12:00 TUESDAY – Stock Market Report #197 – 2/28/23
by Robert Holman | The Defensive Advisor | www.defensiveadvisor.com
STOCK MARKET RATING … 6.0 (0-4 bearish, 5 neutral, 6-10 bullish. The market seems to be in a holding pattern, waiting for more news on inflation and interest rates.
Nothing new to say this week. Many investors are waiting on upcoming significant economic data to be released over the next two weeks before making new buy commitments. These include:
· CPI on March 14
· Employment data on March 10
· Fed Reserve meeting notes on March 8
· Retail Sales March 15
Investors should expect daily volatility for a while – volatility that may produce little overall net change in the market. I’m nearly fully invested in most accounts, investing previously unallocated funds in broad-based, dividend-paying ETFs in preference to individual stocks. I believe the CPI data will moderate (or cool-down) from last months somewhat hot number.
PORTFOLIOS … After reading this report, if you are unsure how to position your portfolio to take advantage of these conditions, call me to discuss your circumstances, I’ll do a complimentary portfolio evaluation, and I’ll explain what ought to be done to help your situation. If you want to get started right now, just click here and input your portfolio holdings and I’ll call you.
TO MY CLIENTS … THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRUST. We’ve had great success since we started this RIA in mid-2018 and are doing better than the market return since that time period.
Excelsior Divitiae. Learn from the Bible: Proverbs 15:22, 21:5, 22:3 and 27:12, Ecclesiastes 8:7, Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 3:5-6, Ephesians 1:17, 1Chronicles 29:11-13, and 1 Chronicles 12:32. I recommend you read them in this order.
Published every Tuesday at 12:00 noon. For more information on my investment and planning services, or to sign-up for this weekly e-Newsletter, visit: www.defensiveadvisor.com/services OR www.defensiveadvisor.com/contact
Opinions in this post are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice to, or recommendations for any individual, without our complete knowledge of that individual’s total financial profile. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. Past performance does not guarantee future results.